Hjem Artikler Ukens låt: Before God – Bountiful Life

Ukens låt: Before God – Bountiful Life

MUSIKK Denne uken presenterer Frihetskamp det amerikanske heavy metal-bandet Before God.


Before God var et nasjonalistisk heavy metal-band fra Saint Paul i Minnesota som var aktive på slutten av 1990-tallet og begynnelsen av 2000-tallet. Bandet var et sideprosjekt startet av medlemmer fra det legendariske bandet Bound For Glory. Musikalsk så hentet Before God inspirasjon fra en rekke forskjellige stilarter innen heavy metal-sjangeren, og bandets to utgivelser «Wolves Amongst the Sheep» (1998) og «Under the Blood Banner» (2000) ble svært godt mottatt da de kom ut.

Ukens låt er hentet fra debut-albumet fra 1998. Teksten henter inspirasjon fra norrøn mytologi for å formidle et viktig budskap: At det å leve ærefullt og vise offervilje – er et rikt og meningsfylt liv.

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Original tekst:

In the halls of the battle slain, proud warriors living here lie,
choosen to rise once again, under Asgaard’s godly skies.
Where the heroes’ feast is had, lie Odin’s ever watchful guides,
above the open fields, with the quivers of selfless life.

Bountiful life

For kith and kin they now lie, where in death comes life’s reward,
those chosen for their will to die, sacrificing for the folk of Midgaard.
Valiant to the call of the Valkyrie and the will of the eternal Weir,
they rode to the battle and decreed,
that death’s gift should not be feared.

So take these gifts of our father’s past, and live the live of Odin’s breed,
fearing never that this life won’t last,
for better rewards in Valhalla await thee.

If you fear not the path least tread, and take the path by few trodden
living always by your words once said,
and the wide and endless horizon.

So take these gifts of our father’s past, and live the live of Odin’s breed,
fearing never that this life won’t last,
for better rewards in Valhalla await thee.

If you fear not the path least tread, and take the path by few trodden
living always by your words once said,
and the wide and endless horizon.

Bountiful life

In the halls of the battle slain, proud warriors living here lie,
choosen to rise once again, under Asgaard’s godly skies.
Where the heroes’ feast is had, lie Odin’s ever watchful guides,
above the open fields, with the quivers of selfless life.

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