Nordic Frontier #46: Sweden Democucks and the Finnish Ban

    NORDIC FRONTIER This week we invite news editor Simon Holmqvist to join us in a discussion regarding the Swedish condition.

    With Mike taking a hiatus, preparing for the coming race war, news editor Simon Holmqvist steps in to give his view on things. We discuss Sweden Democrat’s sudden fall in the latest poll, former prime minister Fredrik Reinfeldt’s bold statement and the ban of our movement in Finland.

    Domestic News:

    Latest poll – Sweden Democrats plummet.

    Grenade attack towards police – Non-white violence escalates once again!

    Former Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt: »Mass immigration is your life’s best investment». collaborating with Gangrape Sweden.

    Black Pill:

    The Gang Rape in Fittja.

    Resistance News:

    The Ban of the NRM in Finland, the verdict came down.

    Demonstration outside embassy in Stockholm.

    Activity in Hudiksvall.

    Rakel Andersson…

    Activity in Ystad.

    Activity in Stockholm.


    Scandroid – The Force Theme


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