Hjem Nasjonal kamp Media Nordic Frontier #01: «The Introduction and the Mike Interview»

Nordic Frontier #01: «The Introduction and the Mike Interview»

RADIO The Nordic Resistance Movement presents its latest addition to the Radio Nordfront channel: the Nordic Frontier podcast.


In this first episode we present a sort of introduction to what we want to achieve with this podcast. As a warm up, the host of the show, Andreas Johansson, conducts an interview with the co-host, Nordfront writer Mikael Karlsson, also known as Mike on the show.

Topics discussed:

  • Race Realism
  • The JQ
  • The decay of Swedish society but also hopes of the future
  • The success of 2016 and plans for 2017
  • The meaning of National Socialism
  • The falsity of human rights and universality of morals
  • The toxicity of feminism

Listen to the podcast:

About Nordic Frontier
Nordic Frontier is an English speaking podcast and a sister broadcast to the infamous Radio Nordfront. Our aim is to spread the political message of the Nordic Resistance Movement to a wider audience. Through theme- and discussion-based episodes we will dive deep into what National Socialism has to offer in the 21st century. The format is not set in stone and everything is subject to change. The overall message is based on the political direction of the Nordic Resistance Movement but the individual opinions expressed by the hosts and guests are their own.

Permanent hosts: Andreas Johansson and Mikael Karlsson.

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