Hjem Nyheter Marie Cachet, Vikernes’ kone, er løslatt

Marie Cachet, Vikernes’ kone, er løslatt

FRANKRIKE: Varg Vikernes og hans kone, Marie Cachet, ble tirsdag morgen arrestert, mistenkt for å planlegge en massakre. Marie Cachet skal nå være løslatt.


Som vi rapporterte om igår så ble Varg Vikernes og hans kone, Marie Cachet, arrestert på sitt småbruk i Salon-la Tour i Corrèze i Frankrike, mistenkt for å ha planlagt en massakre.

Vikernes skal ifølge sin franske advokat, Julien Freyssinet, ha forklart i avhør at han absolutt ikke har hatt noen planer om å utføre noen form for terrorangrep.

Siste nytt i saken er at det franske nyhetsbyrået AFP nå melder at Marie Cachet skal være løslatt. Informasjonen skal stamme fra kilder i det franske justisdepartementet.

Ifølge franske medier, så bekrefter politiet i Brive-la-Gaillarde, hvor hun satt i varetekt, at informasjonen stemmer.

NRK: Kona til Vikernes er løslatt
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Marie Cachet, Vikernes’ wife, is now released

FRANCE: Varg Vikernes and his wife, Marie Cachet, were arrested tuesday morning, over fears that they might be planning a massacre. Marie Cachet is now released from custody.

As we reported yesterday, Varg Vikernes and his wife Marie Cachet, were arrested at their house in Salon-la Tour in Corrèze in France over fears that they might be planning a massacre.

Vikernes shall according to his French attorney, Julien Freyssinet, have explained to the police that he has absolutely no plan or intention of performing any form of terrorist attack.

Latest news is from the french news agency AFP – that now report that Marie Cachet is released from custody. The information is said to come from sources within the French Ministry of Justice.

The police in Brive-la-Gaillarde, where Cachet was held in custody, confirm the information, according to French media.

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