USA En samling med forskjellige filmklipp fra de siste dagenes raseopptøyer som nå atter har oppstått i USA.

«Mangfold er vår styrke» sa mulattpresidenten Barack Obama. I virkeligheten er den amerikanske nasjonen svak. Det var nok med en dårlig politipågripelse som resulterte i et dødsfall av en seriekriminell afroamerikaner for at kruttønnen skulle eksplodere. Disse filmklippene viser ødeleggelsen som inntreffer når et geografisk område bebos av mennesker med forskjellig rasemessig opphav.
Yesterday they looted the Louis Vuitton store in Portland. #GeorgeFloydprotest #AntifaTerrorists
— Suresh (@SureshSureIn) May 31, 2020
White Supremacist looting a Nike store and causing more chaos #protests #AntifaTerrorists
— SomethingNice (@charlesmangus) May 31, 2020
Creating a war in your city by burning it down and looting will not bring justice for #GeorgeFloyd. #protest #riots #looting #thugs #arbys #walmart #Target #USA #minneapolisriots #Minnesota #UnitedWeStand #wwg1wga
— ??Νουρ Χαλουμ?? ?? (@nhalum31) May 29, 2020
Target Looted in Minneapolis: Part 1
#looting#target#blacklivesmatter#minneapolis#news#loot#riot#police#riots#icantbreathe#georgefloyd#stoptheviolence#riot#protest#protests#stealing#cnn#usa#america#hardtimes— ??????_??? (@Owen__Solomon) May 28, 2020
Shops are looting in USA.
what will be in our country?— ahmednadim (@ahmedna67816821) June 2, 2020
These terrorists are looting shop’s, raping women, killing cops, killing innocents all in name of #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd. The real story is, these terrorists are paid by china and Biden to burn #USA by spreading false racism stories to create hate against #Trump#BunkerBoy
— The_Tall_Indian (@Main_Amitabh) June 1, 2020
THIS BEHAVIOUR IS TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE, there is nothing worth looting in that store. ?#Apple #android #USA #أمريكا #امريكا_تنتفض
— Hani Naber (@HaniNaber) May 31, 2020
«black folks» aren’t the ones burning American cities down Nick. People see right through what’s happening. Orchestrated riots by #AntifaTerrorists go look through the videos of who is doing what. Random pallets of bricks by government buildings before the riots started ect
— Chad Hogan (@OmnE_Shield) May 30, 2020
Video showing 100% proof the white nationalists are creating all this havoc. #riots2020 #AntifaTerrorists #FakeNews
— Tampa Beer (@tampa5263) May 30, 2020
#AntifaTerrorists set fire to a homeless man’s only possessions. This is getting out of control
— Manish Singh (@Manish_05Singh) May 31, 2020
Ppl had to enough of the anarchists…#nycprotests #AntifaTerrorists
— orli sagi❤️ ????????? (@SagiOrli) June 3, 2020
When #AntifaTerrorists knocked on their door ?…..good job #Cleveland ?????— Michael Welling (@WellingMichael) June 1, 2020
*WATCH* Asian Man Protecting Himself From #Antifa For Breaking His Windows #AntifaTerrorists
— Deku4Trump (@MyHeroMAGA_97) June 3, 2020
HELL YEAH!!!!! #AntifaTerrorists #AMERICAFIRST
— Jochi Sotolongo (@MedioAlt) June 1, 2020
Video out of Yucapia, CA this evening where a large group of locals literally beat an invading group of #AntifaTerrorists out of town.
Similar scene is unfolding across America as locals and militias in rural areas run off rioters.#AntifaTerrorist #AntifaDomesticTerrorists
— ?????? ? (@BeezerPrime) June 3, 2020
This is so nuts. Sad, but kind of hilarious
— Ami Horowitz (@AmiHorowitz) June 2, 2020
What Will Happen When
Your Mom Finds Out You
Joined #AntifaTerrorists— AlwaysActions (@AlwaysActions) May 30, 2020