Hjem Nyheter Globalt Google bruker ADL for å sensurere YouTube

Google bruker ADL for å sensurere YouTube

SENSUR Den sionistiske organisasjonen Anti-Defamation League (ADL) har sammen med EU fått grønt lys av IT-giganten Google til å fritt sensurere filmer på YouTube som kan inneholde «ekstreme» meninger.

Foto: mikemacmarketingCC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Sionister begynner å få mer og mer makt over hva som kan og ikke kan uttrykkes på nettet i dag, og i mange år har disse, bak kulissene, styrt over nettsider som YouTube. Ytterligere et steg i den retning har nå blitt tatt. Dette i og med at IT-giganten Google har gitt den antihvite og sionistiske organisasjonen ADL fullmakt til å, sammen med EU, få moderere YouTube.

Hva de er ute etter er å forsøke å klassifisere nasjonalisme, alt-right-bevegelsen, samt mildere konservative syn, som noen form for «terrorisme» på internett. På YouTubes blogg kan man lese at man blant annet vil forby saker som ikke engang bryter mot deres såkalte hate-speech-regler:

More experts: Of course, our systems are only as good as the the data they’re based on. Over the past weeks, we have begun working with more than 15 additional expert NGOs and institutions through our Trusted Flagger program, including the Anti-Defamation League, the No Hate Speech Movement, and the Institute for Strategic Dialogue. These organizations bring expert knowledge of complex issues like hate speech, radicalization, and terrorism that will help us better identify content that is being used to radicalize and recruit extremists. We will also regularly consult these experts as we update our policies to reflect new trends. And we’ll continue to add more organizations to our network of advisors over time. Tougher standards: We’ll soon be applying tougher treatment to videos that aren’t illegal but have been flagged by users as potential violations of our policies on hate speech and violent extremism. If we find that these videos don’t violate our policies but contain controversial religious or supremacist content, they will be placed in a limited state. The videos will remain on YouTube behind an interstitial, won’t be recommended, won’t be monetized, and won’t have key features including comments, suggested videos, and likes. We’ll begin to roll this new treatment out to videos on desktop versions of YouTube in the coming weeks, and will bring it to mobile experiences soon thereafter. These new approaches entail significant new internal tools and processes, and will take time to fully implement. Early intervention and expanding counter-extremism work: We’ve started rolling out features from Jigsaw’s Redirect Method to YouTube. When people search for sensitive keywords on YouTube, they will be redirected towards a playlist of curated YouTube videos that directly confront and debunk violent extremist messages. We also continue to amplify YouTube voices speaking out against hate and radicalization through our YouTube Creators for Change program. Just last week, the U.K. chapter of Creators for Change, Internet Citizens, hosted a two-day workshop for 13-18 year-olds to help them find a positive sense of belonging online and learn skills on how to participate safely and responsibly on the internet. We also pledged to expand the program’s reach to 20,000 more teens across the U.K.

Med andre ord så vil Google sammen med ADL og EU fremme PK-propaganda samtidig som nasjonalistiske og innvandringskritiske brukere skal sensureres. Også de mer konservative liberalistene som «Sargon of Akkad» og YouTubes mest populære bruker «PewDiePie» vil være under konstant overvåkning av ADL.

It’s Happening: (((Google))) Puts Anti-Defamation League and the European Union In Charge of Regulating Youtube

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